• comparative comparison of family-centered care in the neonatal unit in norway, finland, and iran

    کلمات کلیدی :
    جزئیات بیشتر مقاله
    • تاریخ ارائه: 1401/08/19
    • تاریخ انتشار در تی پی بین: 1401/10/03
    • تعداد بازدید: 349
    • تعداد پرسش و پاسخ ها: 0
    • شماره تماس دبیرخانه رویداد: 09050265032

    comparative comparison of family-centered care in the neonatal unit in norway, finland, and iran

    neonates born prematurely make up a significant portion of the patient population in the neonatal section of a hospital. the current research investigates the outcomes of the study by employing a methodology known as a comparative study, as well as making use of the resources that can be found in libraries and research articles on infants and young children who were treated in specialized hospitals for neonates in norway, finland, and norway. it contrasts with the standard practices and protocols that are followed in children's hospitals in iran and the experiences that researchers have had in real life.

    according to the findings of this study, in finland, a developed country, it is necessary to mention the presence of the treatment staff next to the parents, as well as the appropriate explanation, empathy, and cooperation of the treatment staff, in this case, considering the isolation of each parent with their neonates in separate rooms with other neonates. this is necessary because of the fact that finland is a developed country. it appeared that paying attention to the scarcity of nurses and physicians had a detrimental impact on the outcomes. on the other hand, in norway, which is situated in the region surrounding this nation, this problem was both difficult and motivating, and on the one hand, it was successful, and on the other hand, particularly in the area of care. in iran, nursing was a difficult field to work in, and despite the fact that this research produced favorable results, it was not explored thoroughly from all angles and included flaws.

    in the neonatal department, the speedier recovery of the preterm infant, reduced expenditures, and early release without difficulties are being considered as potential candidates for the ultimate aim. it is very efficient and has a significant amount of impact, but in future research, family-centered care in the newborn department should be determined in such a way that it is exhaustive and takes into account all of the biological aspects of newborns, and secondly, it should be able to be implemented in every society. although it is very effective and has a significant amount of impact, it should be determined in such a way that it is exhaustive and takes into account all discovered and used to the development process.

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