• transparent concrete - a new innovation in concrete technology

    جزئیات بیشتر مقاله
    • تاریخ ارائه: 1393/01/01
    • تاریخ انتشار در تی پی بین: 1393/01/01
    • تعداد بازدید: 812
    • تعداد پرسش و پاسخ ها: 0
    • شماره تماس دبیرخانه رویداد: -
     the concrete currently used in the construction industry generally consists of at least cement, water and aggregates (fine or coarse). as is well known, traditional concrete has a greyish colour, and its high density prevents the passage of light through it, which means that it is also impossible to distinguish bodies, colours and shapes through it. as can be imagined, concrete with the characteristic of being transparent will permit a better interaction between the construction and its environment, thereby creating ambiences that are better and more naturally lit, at the same time as significantly reducing the expenses of laying and maintenance of the concrete. another additional feature is its pleasing aesthetics that can change the image of the concrete which is generally perceived as dull, pale, opaque grey material. this paper describes the types of optical fibre, manufacturing process andb some of the possible applications of transparent concrete to various products. it also presents advantages and disadvantages of transparent concrete.

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